3rd Semester

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09010301_ADVANCED ANCHORING SET 1_Aditi Agarwal ---- Done.pdf
09010302_ DIGITAL MEDIA SET 1_60 marks.pdf
09010305_Introduction to Adversting & Public Relations-BJMC_Set-1.pdf
09010307 Basics of TV Production (End Odd Semester) Set -1 -----Done.pdf
09050301_Media Research SET AQuestion Paper set - 1 (End Odd Semester) Dubey -----Done.pdf
09050303_ Writing for Media, MJMC Sem III __Set II -----Done.pdf
09050305_Media Law & Ethics SET AQuestion Paper set -1 (End Odd Semester) ---- Done.pdf
09050309_Corporate Communication and Event Management -Set-1-MJMC- Sem-3.pdf
09050311_ Advance Tv Production Set -1 (09050311) ------Done.pdf
09160301_Patkatha Lekhan_BFTP_Sem3_-2020_QP_QB_ set --1 -----Done.pdf
09160302_DIGITAL MEDIA_BFTP SET 1_Aditi -----Done.pdf
09160305 Cinematography (End Odd Semester) - Set -1 Copy ------Done.pdf
09160307_Editing_Set -1 kranti@2020 HOLD.pdf
09210301_Victorian Literature _SET I ( BA hons. English) Semester III ---Done.pdf
09210302_ Indian Writing in English_B.A Hons Mr.Tushar Set-I -----Done.pdf
09210304_Script And Screenplay_BA_ENG_HONS_3_CLC3__-2020_QP_QB_ set -1 -----Done.pdf
09210306_Communictaive English _Set 1.pdf
10010307_ DIGITAL MEDIA_ SET 1_36 Marks reappear.pdf
10010308_ADVANCED REPORTING ANCHORING SET 1 (1)36 MARKS (2) secret007.pdf
10010310_ Film Studies_BJMC 3rd 2018 set -1 --- 0703.pdf