1st Semester
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08050102_QP-REAPPEAR - Law of Contract-1 BA-BBALLB 2016 SET 1.pdf
08050103_Legal and Constitutional History_set 1_Re appear - 2016 batch.pdf
08050105_Political Science 2016 (Batch) Set-1.pdf
08050106_08050103_Legal & Constitutional History History-1_Reappear 2017-2018-History -SET-2.pdf
08050109-12010105-08060110-12030105_LEGAL METHOD_Research Method Program_Set_1.pdf
08060104_Principle of Management Paper-1.pdf
12010101- 12030101_English - I S-1_BBA.LLB - Ashok Yadav - 9711060270.pdf
120101016_12030106_12040102_Law of Tort BA & BBA.LLB. and LLB hons_ Set 1.pdf
12010103_History-I SET-1.pdf
12010104_Political Science -i Question Paper End Term Set-1.pdf
12030102_MGMT PRACTICES & OB - LAW.pdf
12030103_Indian Economy_Set 1.pdf
12030104_Business Communication_BBA LLB Monika Sharma set 1 [email protected]
12040101_Question Paper LLB-1 Constitutional law 1 SET -1.pdf
12040103_Question Paper -End term Semester 1- Law of Contracts -1-LLB 2020-21 SET 2_Problem.pdf
12040104_Family LAw 1 set A, 2019.pdf
12040106_Crimes-I, ll.b set 1_nidhi_9650579872.pdf