6th Semester
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13010603_Entrepreneurship Development-Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13010604_Design of Steel Structure-(B. Tech, 6TH SEM) - SET 1.pdf
13010613_NON -CONVENTIONAL SET 1.pdf
13010659_Highway Engineering-Set-1 - Neeraj verma.pdf
13010666_Artificial Intelligence-Set-1 - Sandeep singh.pdf
13020603-13040604_Industrial Economics & Management 2017, 18 Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13020603_Industrial Economics & Management 2015 Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13020603_Industrial Economics & Management 2016 Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13020604_Probability & Statistics-SET A - Naveen kumar.pdf
13020605-13020424_Theory of Automata & Formal Language, Theory of Computation-Set-1 - Sangeeta Rani.pdf
13020606_Software Development and Testing Methodology-Set-1 - Neha gehlot.pdf
13020607_BTech_6_2015_Advance_Java_Set_A - Amrit singh.pdf
13020607_BTech_6_2016_Advance_Java_Set_A - Amrit singh.pdf
13020607_BTech_6_2017_Advance_Java_Set_A - Amrit singh.pdf
13020611_Wireless Mobile Communication-Set-1 - Jyoti ahalawat (NEW) formated.pdf
13020614_Digital logic Design with PLD & VHDL-Set-1 - Sumit kumar.pdf
13020629_Btech6th_Big Data Analysis_Set1 - Arco Formated.pdf
13020663_Mobile Application Development_6th_Sem(B.tech CSE_Apple)_Set-1 - Himanshu Varshney Format.pdf
13020665_Predictive_Analytics_SET_A - Saloni gulati.pdf
13020666_Advance RDBMS SET A - Jyoti shokhanda (New).pdf
13020668_Compiler Design 6th (IBM+Apple) set 1 - Sangeeta Rani.pdf
13020669_Web Security-Set-1 - Manu phogat.pdf
13020670_BTech_6_2018_Java_Set_A - Amrit singh Format.pdf
13020671_Artificial Intelligence-Set-1 - Sandeep singh (New).pdf
13020673_Microprocessor & Interfacing (sgtfeatece) Set 1 - Naresh kumar.pdf
13020693_Modern Application Development_2017_set A - Arco bagchi Format.pdf
13030602_Power plant engineering SET-A 2016 - Monika deshwal.pdf
13030603_Instrumentation & Control Engineering reappear set A - Asad habeeb.pdf
13030604_Re-Turbo Machines SET1_2016 Batch - Asad habeeb.pdf
13030605_B.Tech ME_6sem_Entrepreneurs ... velopment-Set 1 - Monika deshwal.pdf
13030610_Automobile Engineering SET 1 - Aman thapak.pdf
13030611_RPT-Set 1 - Ankit.pdf
13030614_MECHATRONICS_B.tech (Mechanical) SET 1 - Shivendera singh Format.pdf
13030615_Mechanical vibration_END TERM Question Paper_SET 1 - Atul babbar formated.pdf
13030650_Renewable energy sources SET 1 - Satyam formated.pdf
13030660_Natural Disaster Mitigation and Management-Set-I Batch-2016 - Head CE.pdf
13030676_Management Concepts-Set-1 - Ankit formated.pdf
13030688_Dynamics of Machinery_B.Tech_set 1 - Dinesh deshwal.pdf
13030690_Control Systems set A - Asad habeeb Formated.pdf
13030696_Advanced Tribology-Set 1 - Amit kumar.pdf
13040606_VLSI Design_set1 - Pardeep kumar format.pdf
13040615_Microwave & Radar (sgtfeatece) Set 1 - Naresh kumar formated.pdf
13040631_Microprocessor Microcontroller (sgtfeatece) Set 1 - Naresh kumar.pdf
13040639_Linear Integrated Circuit_set-1 - Shelly.pdf
13040652_Programming_in_C_subjective-set_1 - Shelly.pdf
13060602_Computer Graphics-Set 2 - Amritpal kaur.pdf
13450601_Artificial Intelligence-Set-1 - Mamta.pdf
13450602_ARDBMS-Set 1 - Satnam kaur.pdf
13450603_Enterprise Mobile Application Development-Set 1 - Arco bagchi.pdf