5th Semester
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13010502, 13030506_Industrial Economics & Management, B.Tech., Mechanical, 5th, Regular & Re-appear,.pdf
13010505-13010546_RCC Design-End Semester Examination (ODD) -RCC PAPER 1 - CIVIL.pdf
13010514_Air and Noise Pollution_Paper1 - CIVIL.pdf
13010540_Water treatment and supply system (B.Tech Civil Engineering-V Semestr )- Paper 1 - CIVIL.pdf
13010545_Civil_Engineering_German_Foreign_LAnguage_Sem V_Set-I. vkpdf.pdf
13020503-13040503_Entrepreneurship Development_ECE 5th B (1) - 2512.pdf
13020503_13030605_Enterpreneurship Development_Set A - Pankaj Jain.pdf
13020504_Computer Networks Set 1- CN_2017.pdf
13020504_Computer Networks-Set-1 - Vinod Kumar.pdf
13020505_Analysis & Design of Algorithm-Set-1 - - Nancy Arya.pdf
13020505_set1 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms - [email protected]
13020506_Compiler Design B.Tech 5th 2017.pdf
13020506_Compiler Design-Set-1 - Vivek dabra.pdf
13020506_Compiler Design_Question Paper CD(End Odd Semester) - [email protected]
13020512_soft computing s1.pdf
13020513-13030526_Electronics Measurement & Instrumentation-Set-1 - Shelly.pdf
13020523-13040513_Electronic Measurment Instrumentation_set1 - emi_1217.pdf
13020529_B.tech_5th_Sem(CSE)_Set-1 - [email protected]
13020533_Internet of Things End Term Set 1 - Ishan_IoT_Internet.pdf
13020534-13050302_Theory of Computation_(End Odd Semester) - [email protected]
13020535_Python Programming_Set 1 - Deepak_PP_SGTU.pdf
13020559_CSE_German_Foreign_Language_Sem_V_Set I.pdf
13030502_Probability & Statistics-Set-1 - Naveen.pdf
13030502_Probability and Statistics_REpaper (Recovered) - naveen1.pdf
13030503_Dynamics of Machinery-Set-1 - Dinesh Deshwal.pdf
13030503_Dynamics of Machines_B. Tech_set 1 - agra.pdf
13030504_Design of Machine Elements-Set-1 - Ankit tyagi.pdf
13030504_Design of Machine Elements_Set 1.doc - Ankit_MD_SGTU.pdf
13030505_Heat & Mass Transfer-Set-1 - Ashwani kumar.pdf
13030505_Heat & Mass Transfer_B.tech (Mechanical)-_set 1. - LUCKNOW.pdf
13030506_Industrial Economics & Management_set A - Pankaj Jain.pdf
13030514_Refrigeration & Air Conditioning-SET-1 - Asad Habeeb.pdf
13030514_Refrigeration & Air Conditioning_RAC 13030514 SET1 - 123456789.pdf
13030514_Refrigeration & Air Conditioning_SET1.pdf
13030526_Set 1_Electronics Measurment Instrumentation_Question Paper (End Odd Semester) - Copy - Atul_Electronics_SGTU.pdf
13030560_Mechanical machine design Set 1 paper.pdf
13030562_Mechanical_Engineering_German_Foreign_Language_Sem_V_Set I.pdf
13030564_B. Tech_Kinematics of Machinery_ 13030564_ set 1 - agra.pdf
13030567_Electronics and Instrumentation_Question Paper (End Odd Semester)Set 1 - Atul_Electronics_SGTU.pdf
13030573_Mechanism and Manipulator Design_Question Paper (End Odd Semester) Set 1.pdf
13040507_Analog Integrated Circuit-set-1.pdf
13040508_Control System B.Tech. 5th ECE P1 - sgtfeatece - vk.pdf
13040529_Computer Network B.Tech. 5th ECE P1 - sgtfeatece.pdf
13040545_Antena and Wave Propagation- Question Paper Set - 1.pdf
13050308-13050511_Mobile Computing (Elective) (Set - 1).pdf
13050501_Advanced Web Technologies_SET-I Question Paper_AWT_MCA_5th Sem - vinod_awt_sgtu.PDF
13050502_13070304_Software Project Management.pdf
13050505-13070303_System and Network Administration - Question Paper SNA.pdf
13050518_Software TestQuestion Paper ST MCA 5th.PDF
13060502_Microprocessor and Interfacing_Set - 1 - 2512.pdf
13060503_2017 batch set B WEB PROGRAMMING SET B 2017-20 - 123.pdf
13060504_ERP and E-commerce_Question_Paper - vivek_ecommerce1.pdf
13450501_Software Engineering SET-1 - Reenu batra.pdf
13450502-13020532_Essential of Hadoop_BCA_BTECH_Set1 - arko_hadoop_feat.pdf
13450503_web programming 2018 set a - 123.pdf
13450504_IOT Application Development-Set-1 - Nitin.pdf
13450504_IoT BCA 5th sem set a - kanuharyana1a.pdf