2nd Semester
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13010202-13020202-13030202-13040202_Engineering physics-Reappear (15-16-17-18)Set-1 - Pooja singh.pdf
13010203-13030203-13010207_Basic Electronics Engineering set 1 - Jyoti ahalawat.pdf
13010203-13030203-13010207_Fundamental of Electronics set-2 - Jyoti ahalawat.pdf
13010204, 13020203, 13030204_Universal Human Values, 2020 Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13010205_Engineering Graphics Design SET-A 2019 - Monika deshwal.pdf
13020201, 13010201, 13030201_M II, 2020, SET A - Naveen kumar.pdf
13020201-13010201-13030201_MII, SET A,2015,16,17,18 - Naveen kumar.pdf
13020201_EM II, Prob., SET A, Subjective,2019 - Naveen kumar.pdf
13020202-13020205_Industrial Chemistry-Set-I Batch-2017-18-20 - Head CE.pdf
13020204, 13010203_BEE_set1 - Pardeep kumar.pdf
13020204-13020209-13030204-13010204_Elements of Mechanical Engineering_Set 1 - Atul.pdf
13020205_Industrial Chemistry-Set-I Batch-2015 - Head CE.pdf
13020205_Industrial Chemistry-Set-I Batch-2016 - Head CE.pdf
13020205_Programming language - Python_Set-1 - Chandan.pdf
13020206_END_TERM_EXAM_B.tech(2nd Sem)_CSE_Apple_Set-1 - Himanshu varshney.pdf
13020206_Engineering Drawing SET-A 2016 - Monika deshwal.pdf
13020206_Engineering Drawing SET-A 2017 - Monika deshwal.pdf
13020213-13020206-13040221_paper Mechanical Reappear WT-Set 1 - Ankit Tyagi.pdf
13020214-13030214-13020223_EVS-Set-1 - Malini tiwari.pdf
13020215-13160208_ET_set1 - Shelly.pdf
13020222_FEE_set1 - Pardeep kumar.pdf
13020229_Value Added Course-Entrepreneurship Development-CSE 2nd Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13030201-13010201-13040201_MII, SET A,2019, ME+CE - Naveen kumar.pdf
13030217_Fundamental of Computer Programming-2018_Re_Set-A - Amrit singh.pdf
13040218-13020221-13020232-13020203_Set-1 - Sonia Srivastava.pdf
13050202_Relational Data Base Management System-SET A - Nitin sharma.pdf
13050203_OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ MCA 2nd - Set -1 - Neha Gehlot.pdf
13050204_Data and File Structure-set 1 - Manpreet bajwa.pdf
13050208_Organisation Behavior-MCA 2nd Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13060201_Basic Accounting & Finance BCA 2nd Set A - Pankaj jain.pdf
13060204,13450204_BCA,SET A, DM - Naveen kumar.pdf
13060205-13450205_Programming in C-SET1 BCA 2nd - Sandeep singh.pdf
13080201_Advances in VLSI Design_set1 - Pardeep kumar.pdf
13080202_Embedded_system_set_1 - Shelly.pdf
13080203_DAMMC - SET-1 - Rajkumar.pdf
13080203_Digital Signal Processor Application_set_1 - Shelly.pdf
13110201_SoftComputing M.Tech 2018 set 1 - Sandeep singh.pdf
13160212_Finite Element analysis-Set 1 - Shubham saini.pdf
13160213_Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity-Set-1 - Shubham saini.pdf
13160214_Limit State Design of Steel Structures-(M. Tech, 2ND SEM) - SET 1.pdf
13160222_Energy Instrumentation, Measurement and Control-Set-I - Neeraj saini.pdf
13160223_Environment audit set 1 QUESTION PAPER - Satyam Garg.pdf
13160224_Design of Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems (M.Tech C.E) - Paper 1 - Preeti.pdf
13160227_Analysis and design of pavement-Set-1 - Neeraj verma.pdf
13160228_Transport Economics-Set-1 - Neeraj verma.pdf
13160229_Question Paper-TEM-Set-2.pdf
13160251_Solid Waste Management (M.Tech C.E) - Paper 1 - Preeti.pdf
13160256_Construction project management and BOT-Set-1 - Satyam Garg.pdf
13161241_Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Structure-(M. Tech, 2ND SEM) - SET 1.pdf
13210201_Finite Element Analysis-Set-A - Ashwani kumar.pdf
13210202_Vibration and condition monitoring_END TERM Question Paper_SET 1 - Atul.pdf
13210205_POM SUBJECTIVE - Set-1 - Ankit.pdf
13210209_TMS-Set 1 - Ankit.pdf
13450201_BCA2nd_Programming in Python_Set1 - Arco bagchi.pdf
13450201_Operating System-BCA 2nd Sem OS PAPER SET A - Nitin sharma.pdf
13450201_Unix-Linux-Set1 - Kanishka Raheja.pdf
13450202-13060202_Computer Organization SET A - Jyoti shokhanda.pdf
13450202_Digital Electronics-BCA (CC) Set-1 - Sumit kumar.pdf
13450203_BCA_2_Prog_Java_Programming_Set-A - Amrit singh.pdf
13450205_BCA_II_Programming in C++_2019_A - Nancy Arya.pdf
13450205_Communication & Soft Skills-BCA-Set 1 - Soniya srivastava.pdf
13470202_Advanced Software Engineering & Testing Set-1 - Reenu.pdf
13470203_MCA_II_Basic JAVA_2020_A_Question Paper_End Term - Nancy arya.pdf
13470205_Advanced Operating system MCA 5th - Set -1 - Neha Gehlot.pdf
13470206_Data Structure and Algorithm Design-set 1 - Manpreet Bajwa.pdf