2nd Semester
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11010201_Principles of Genetics- Formate .pdf
11010202_Agriculture Microbiology.pdf
11010203-17010211 B.Sc. Fundamentals SWCE_ Reappear_Set 1 - Abhishek Formate.pdf
11010203_Soil and Water Conservation Engineering-Set-1 - Arvind Yadav Formate.pdf
11010204_Fundamentals of Crop Physiology-Set-1 - Anita Kumari Formate.pdf
11010205_Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics-Set-1 - Ved Prakash Formate.pdf
11010206_Fundamentals of Plant Pathology-Set-1 - Prachi Singh (sgtpatho) Formate.pdf
11010207_Insect Ecology and Pest Management-Set-1 - Sunita Yadav Formate.pdf
11010208_Fundamentals of Agril. Extension Education-Set-1 - Amit Kumar Formate.pdf
11010209_Communication Skills and Personality Development-Set-1 - Devender Singh Formate.pdf
11010210_Fundamentals of Horticulture-Set-1 - Amit Kumar Formate.pdf
11060201_A Biodiversity and conservation M. Sc bio 40 marks - Neha Sharma set-1 Formate.pdf
11060202_Production technology of cool season vegetable crops_Set 1 Formate.pdf
11060203_Experimental Design-.pdf
11060205_Intellectual Property and its Management in Agriculture .pdf
11060207_ Principles and practices of soil fertility and nutrient management_Set 1 Formate - R.S. Yadav.pdf
11060209_ Principles and practices of weed management_Set 1o r set 2----R. S YADAV Formate.pdf
11060210_Water Managment-Set-1 - Rohit Kumar Formate.pdf
11060211_Cropping system-Set-1 - Rohit Kumar Formate.pdf
11060212_Breeding of vegetables crops 3rd sem SET 1 - Khushboo Chandra Formate.pdf
11060213_Growth and development of vegetable crops_Set 1 Formate.pdf
11060214 Introductory plant virology SET 1 - Pooja Upadhyay Formate.pdf
11060215 Epidemiology and forecasting of plant diseases SET 1 - Pooja Upadhyay Formate.pdf
11060216_Major Pests of Crops and their Management-Set-1 - Jaihind Formate.pdf
11060217 Biological control of crop pest and weeds SET 1 - Pooja Upadhyay Formate.pdf
11060218_Principles of Integrate Pest Management-Set-1 - Jaihind Formate.pdf
11060219 Chemicals in Plant disease Management SET 1 - Manish Formate.pdf
11060220 Physiology of crop plants I SET 1 - Pooja Upadhyay Formate.pdf
17010203-11010205 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics Set I Henna Formate.pdf
17010209-11010201_Fundamentals of Genetics.pdf
17010210-11010202 Agricultural Microbiology .pdf
17010212- 11010204 Fundamentals of crop physiology SET-1----Preeti Formate.pdf
17010214 - 11010206 Fndamentals of Plant Pathology- Manish kuamr Set 1 Formate.pdf
17010215-11010207_Insect Ecology and Pest Management-Set-1 - Jaihind Formate.pdf
17010216-11010208 B.Sc. 60 marks Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education Set- I Formate.pdf
17010217-11010209 BSc AG COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT set I.docx Ashok Formate.pdf
17010218_Fundamental of horticulture-Set-1 - Neha Formate.pdf